martedì 1 febbraio 2011

Non ho ancora iniziato a scrivere e mi assento già

Sono proprio un'infedele! Non c'è che dire. Mi è capitato di provare a scrivere ma non sono riuscita a concludere nulla. Non per altro ma non so come approcciarmi! Questo video è per farmi perdonare la lunga assenza, anche se credo ce ne saranno altre abbastanza frequenti. Martha Argerich che suona Chopin, assolutamente un'interpretazione divina. In questo video adoro il sorriso a 5.31! Lei è venuta da poco (un mese fa, all'incirca) a Cagliari per un concerto al Teatro Lirico ma purtroppo ero incasinata e non sono riuscita ad andare a sentirla e vederla. Buon ascolto!

2 commenti:

We share a common interest-classical music. I listen to and collect records--old fashioned 33rpm vinyl. Everything from Gregorian chant to Berg operas but my special love is string quartets.

We also share a common problem-writer's block. You say you do not know how to approach your writing. But I think you know more than you think you know

Your last post was good. Little details like the "smile at 5:31" separates good writing from blah blah uninteresting writing.

Remember that you and I are not Style Rookie. A couple days ago Tavi got 11,770 page hits. I got 1 page hit. So my post doesn't have to wildly exciting with every word perfect.

It helps to write for a single person. So I write for scribble the tech guy. The blog forces me to think about how a camera works. And if I mess up a little like I just did in my last two posts on Dynamic Range I didn't mess up as much as did. That site is read by millions.

You could write for Claire De Biscuit the University Student. She won't make fun of your writings. She might even say--like I did recently when I came across a box of forgotten sketches and stories from a creative writing group I joined a long while ago-- "Hey, some of this is actually good."

When you write bang, bang, bang on the keyboard. Don't stop to correct spelling or edit anything until you have at least 500 words. {Then correct the spelling so my translation program doesn't croak and die} Finally read the post no more than two times and edit what need to done without being too critical.

After your second read, if you have any 'is this good enough" doubts, snort loudly and press the post button.

Finally if you want a suggestion, start with the most exciting or boring or silly or tragic or ________ event that happened in your school last week. Mixing in a few "5:31 smile" details about how Italian schools work for your international readers would be an nice addition.

Be looking forward to your next post


Hi scribble! Thank you for the consideration and tips! Have you ever heard or seen something about Quattuor quartet? They're specially nice and particular.
Sorry again for my bad english!!!

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